SENSE: (v) to become aware of, to grasp the meaning of; understand

SENSIBILITY: (n) awareness, responsiveness, keen consciousness and appreciation

Friday, February 10, 2012

Les Etudes Culturelles Francaises

Blog article for February 6, 2012: French Cultural Studies

Excusez-moi, je voudrais en savior plus sur les etudes culturelles francaises. Merci!
(Excuse me, can you please teach me more about French Cultural Studies? Thank you)

The origins of Traditional French Cultural Studies would be from two points of interest. First of which would be Historiography and finally, Existentialist Philosophy. It is known to be directly focused on Popular Culture. It is labeled such because the theorists originated from France and that it analyzes France's popular culture first before looking over their boundaries (since they were based in France).

To summarize Traditional French Cultural Studies analyzed international popular culture by examining and basing their analyses on history and theories rooted from existentialist philosophy. It is designed to understand the important changes that have affected French culture, as well as the culture outside of France.

This is the video we prepared to present to the class. Our group was so excited to show this to everyone because we really worked hard for it. As it was playing, we hoped that everyone understood the lesson easily, especially with the aid of our handouts.
Sources for the video:
(Images) Google Images / Wikipedia
(Data) Culture and Critique by Jere Paul Surber

I was able to breathe a little lighter after our group presented our video to the class. I’m glad we were able to summarize the topic assigned to us: Traditional French Cultural Studies in front of the whole class.

I am thankful to my group mates for being so cooperative in everything we did! Our extra effort was definitely rewarded when Sir Contreras commented, I quote, “I’m impressed!” after our report. I am very to happy to have impressed him because it was our secondary goal for this report. (The primary goal was to present the subject well and help the class understand our topic easily.)

I will further discuss the French Cultural Studies on my next articles.

Reese Corpuz

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