Blog article for January 12, 2012 session:
Pair activity about your Self and your Other
Pair activity about your Self and your Other
In one of our classes, we discussed how your self and your other can be put into a hierarchical context. It was really interesting for me to realize only now that in our everyday lives, there are actually forms of domination and marginalization, even up to the simplest relationships.
In pairs, we discussed how we ourselves are Objectified, Exploited, Subordinated and Oppressed by our others and vice versa as well. Me and my partner, Mariel, really discussed the topics one by one and actually found out things about ourselves which we were not aware of before. It was a surprise!
What better example in this category can we provide? Yep, I thought so. There's nothing else. Without our consent, (Well technically because as babies we are still physically incapable of personal opinions and the like) our parents automatically implied on us that we have to respect and obey them simply because they are our parents.
Like me when I was a baby, my cat, Harry Potter, does not have the physical capability to communicate with me and argue which is right and wrong. I automatically objectified him as mine, as my pet. His feeding time, the quantity of the food he eats, where he sleeps, where he poops and many other else are all for me to decide while he, as the subject of his own life was suddenly objectified.
How I was exploited: A Free-loader group mate
In exploitation, a subject is used to advance others' interests. This personal experience can be quite a common experience to us colleagues. Free-loaders are very common simply because ultra-leaders slash control freaks such as me exist. I do not regret not having him/her handle responsibilities which I know he/she cannot handle whenever the projects turn out well but I am often haunted with the thought of having someone pass by so easily, without even feeling guilty or sorry. It's really sad, actually.
How I exploited: Me picking a flower
For several instances already, I have put a flower, living its own life, not doing anything to harm me, in danger. For me, picking a flower is an act of exploitation.
How I was subordinated: The church priest over my confessions
The church priest, having Catholic authority and nothing else, hear all my sins, all my confession. I am placed below this other, no questions asked, because he is an authority of the church.
The church priest, having Catholic authority and nothing else, hear all my sins, all my confession. I am placed below this other, no questions asked, because he is an authority of the church.
How I subordinated: Me as the Company Manager of our dance company over our members
As they join the company, they start from below. I , as the Company Manager commands the members as to what time trainings and rehearsals were, what costumes to wear, what production-related tasks to finish within the day, which designs to make and so on and so forth. Without questions asked, they were subordinated by myself because of my authority granted by our organization.
How I was oppressed: My Parents over Me (Again)
As a kid, my parents used physical force to discipline me whenever I did wrong and bad things. I understand that this is a simple form of oppression however I also am not complaining. This is because I learned the hard way and this made me learn very intensely as well. For me, a little pain, would really hurt.
How I oppressed: (Honestly, I don't think I have ever oppressed or persecuted anyone. I'm such an angel!)
As we finish this activity, I definitely became more aware with my relationship with the others around me. Thus, this lesson will definitely make me more observant and careful.
♥ Reese Corpuz
♥ Reese Corpuz
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