SENSE: (v) to become aware of, to grasp the meaning of; understand

SENSIBILITY: (n) awareness, responsiveness, keen consciousness and appreciation

Sunday, January 8, 2012

More About Sense and Sensibility

This post is to introduce and describe my blog for our subject CULPOLI (Culture and Politics)
and how I got the title Sense and Sensibility.

Nothing can be more interesting than the discussion of the thoughts, personalities, actions and lifestyles of politicians and more broadly, politics.

Yeah, yeah. Politics can be monotonous - discussing familiar theories every now and then, analyzing the same forms of government since Elementary Social Studies, talking about the same people who interact with the same people doing the same things over and over again. Sure! Politics can be boring - with all those thick heavy books discussing and further emphasizing how boring law is and how it is nowhere near fun, reading about commentaries which basically say the same thing, hearing depressing news on the television everyday and every night. Indeed! Politics can be a matter for the old - after all, the aged and mature citizens are the ones directly concerned and directly subjected to the law, the elections, the tax deduction.

As silly as contradicting myself and my first statement in this blog (that nothing can be more interesting than discussing politics), I believe that even though the most common negative sentiments about politics, - it being monotonous, boring and for the old, are true, I also believe that there is another side to it that I saw and experienced which made me become interested to politics and everything in between.

Upon establishing my interest in politics, I now channel everyone's attention to my personal attachment to Filipino culture (and arts). My friends would often refer to me as taga-bundok because they realize how obsessed I am with all things Filipino - Philippine folk dances (above all), Indigenous tribes from both North and South, Filipino food, customs and traditions and Filipino festivals. I am not a hypocrite therefore I admit that I also admire and patronize foreign culture however it is still a fact that I do have a deep inclination to Filipino culture.

In both fields, politics and culture (arts), sense and sensibility is definitely one of the "requirements" in order to understand, appreciate and even practice it. However, in our case, most actors tend to put them aside and focus on competition, self glorification and deception instead.

Sense and Sensibility targets to discuss latest and most popular happenings and events, people and even places if needed be and at the same time remind everyone to put some sense and sensibility in everything that is going on.

This blog will definitely contain my personal thoughts on the political events and issues, most often in the Philippine setting. (Naturally because I am a Filipina.) However, it may also include foreign political issues every now and then because closing oneself to the world is one of the biggest crimes one can commit. That being said, I therefore now emphasize my freedom to say what we have to say, stand firmly and remain loyal to the sides we take and the decisions we make. If in any case I bump into a critical issue and offend certain readers, I apologize in advance but assure you that I will not take back what I said (write) no matter what. Comments (negative and positive ones) will be greatly appreciated (or debunked) as well because I also believe that communication is learning. This blog will also contain sources which would help me further understand and evaluate certain issues. Among all online sources, my top three picks are: / / so you will definitely be seeing more from them here. Finally, this blog will contain images, videos or music clips and even dances, (some of which I own and some I will grab from other sources) which would further express my ideas and further input some sense and sensibility in your politically interested minds.

Here's to sense! Here's to sensibility! Here's to me and my thoughts about culture and politics and everything in between!

♥ Reese Corpuz

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